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Lanzarote Music Factory

Lanzarote, 2017.

6.551 m2


International Competition awarded,





diMN - Diego Martínez Navarro

Sergio Cobos, Aurelio Dorronsoro, Pastora Cotero



Arau Acústica - Higini Arau, Estudios Rubirec, Toni - Ritmo y Compás


Transsolar KlimaEngineering

Quantity surveyor

Óscar González


BEST Costales-Jaén​


Aitor Puente, Thousand words



Triggering change

The history of the island is the history of water and its infrastructures.

The old watertank is the connection of this new place with its history, the referent on which a new identity is built.

Doing archeology of the future we get all its spatial and material potential, eliminating layers of painting and construction. Only in this way is it possible to write a new episode in the history of the watertank that is written with more efficient and sustainable technologies.


One island, one vision

Like any island, Lanzarote has a certain mythical character, it is Robinson, it is the Treasure Island and it is Ithaca. His voice is the voice of the territory and of those who inhabit it. And that multiple voice calls for a new accessible and shared place for artistic creation in particular and for the community in its broadest sense.


Recovering the icon

We imagine the Lanzarote Music Factory as a soundboard capable of collecting those voices and generating a cultural energy that helps to regenerate and sew a fragmented urban fabric. This is the germ of a multidisciplinary and transversal process that goes beyond the scope of the competition itself and generates a new center open to the island, adaptable, dynamic and flexible.


Concept & Program

The program is structured around three areas: the temperate interior of the TANK itself, the area of opportunity of the EXTERIOR CONDITIONING space, and the more controlled space of the PLAZA, which, taking advantage of the existing vegetation, articulates the pieces of the rehearsal program and the school.


Artistic community

This is not just a project designed to host major events. Above all, it is articulated around the daily activity of the rehearsal, the school of music and production. For this reason, the proposed program approach focuses its objective, taking into account the simultaneity of activities and daily users as potential of the place.


Boosting place & community's potential

not just a plan, a sustainable system, an ever changing activities map.

The plaza becomes the access to the rehearsal studios and the perfect social place where encounter with other community members, where exchange knowledge and share innovative synergies in order to empower their music.

The natural light, vegetation and shading make the plaza work as an active and alive public space.


Interweaving independent worlds

The management of this system becomes an economically sustainable engine for the medium-long-term success of the project. The use of the rehearsal premises is nourished by the logistic resources of the school, and together with the dance and theater venue, they constitute the daily life of the Lanzarote Music Factory.


A box in a box: Rehearsal & recording studio

Two independent boxes with specific acoustical features perform the necessary environment for the concentration and isolation the musicians normally need. The external one is solid, neat, massive. The inner one is porous, faceted, warm, light. 

The space between them is not a left over, but used as musician's tools storage, as protected relax space and also to host very different installations requirements, from linear resonators to electric and air conditioning systems.


recovering the old tank: anything... anywhere...

The matter of the water tank is to highlight its rawness, remove the unnecessary added layers in order to unveil its essence. This condition gives the tank the power of transforming itself into any event thanks to a flexible devices such a huge suspended acoustical curtains, lighting trusses etc... as well as hosting very different and independent events at the same time.


Simply comfortable


a. Shading and thermal isolation

b. Natural ventilation

c. Air movement

d. Thermal mass

e. Underground air ducts

f. Natural light

g. Optimal roof shape for PV panels


urban + social strategies
urban + social strategies
just conditioning exterior space
simply comfortable


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